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    The state department report: want to let go of small towns and small cities in l
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    The state department report: want to let go of small towns and small cities in limit

    Source: the evalsuation of the net date: June 27, 2013, the lowest

    Medium review club, Hong Kong, June 27 (Reuters)/yesterday at the third meeting of the 12th session of the standing committee of the National People's Congress, xu shaoshi, director of the national development and reform commission made the "state council on the urbanization construction work report". Said in a report, China will open up small towns and small cities limit, orderly open medium cities limit, gradually relax, in big cities, megacities settled in setting a reasonable conditions, gradually transfer of agricultural population to urban residents. Experts say, this is the first time in China clearly put forward all kinds of city urbanization path. Three years 25.05 million agricultural population in cities and towns Around the Beijing news reported, the report suggested that is actively and steadily promote the reform of household registration system. In 2011, the state council general office on actively yet prudently push forward the reform of household registration management system notice issued by the implementation. The national development and reform commission, ministry of human resources and social security department and other relevant departments issued supporting measures, 18 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) introduced a concrete implementation opinion, 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to explore the establishment of a unified household registration system, preliminary opens a channel for the agricultural population in town. , according to the ministry of public security in 2010 and 2012, the national agricultural population settled in the number of towns for 25.05 million people, 8.35 million people per year on average. Megacities in reasonable conditions must be set How the future urbanization development? Xu Shao Shi Jieshao, a is very important, orderly to promote agricultural transfer of population urbanization. According to local conditions, step-by-step manner, preferred stock, drive the incremental principle, focusing on agricultural transfer of population, both different employed population in cities and towns, promote the reform of household registration system as a whole and equal basic public services. Open up small towns and small cities limit, orderly open medium cities limit, gradually relax, in big cities, megacities settled in setting a reasonable conditions, gradually transfer of agricultural population to urban residents. At the same time, efforts to implement compulsory education, employment services and basic medical and health, housing etc. Covering the population of permanent residents in cities and towns. Reasonable demand for housing safeguard town resident population Xu shaoshi, should implement the strictest arable land protection system and the strict system of economical use of land, reasonable meet the demand of land for urbanization. Establish a sustainable urban public fiscal system, investment and financing mechanism, for realizing a complete coverage of urban basic public service permanent population and urban infrastructure construction fund security. At the same time, the establishment of the combination of market allocations and government security housing system and promote to form the total basic balance, basic structure reasonable, house prices and consumption ability to adapt to the basic structure of housing supply and demand, the effective protection of the population of permanent residents in cities and towns reasonable demand for housing. Interpretation of the agricultural population actual amount settled or exceeds 25 million Says Chen, director of the institute of Chinese academy of social sciences industrial economy since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization rate increased by 34%, basic last year increased by one percent. Urbanization faster in recent years, some of the county, prefecture and other account had been liberal, and turn rural town so long as has the fixed work, housing, basic can be realized. Therefore, the actual agricultural population settled in the number of towns, may have more than 25 million. Clearly put forward the urbanization path report for the first time to let go of small towns and small cities limit, orderly open medium cities limit, gradually relax, in big cities, megacities settled in setting a reasonable conditions, gradually transfer of agricultural population to urban residents. Chen said that in recent years, China's urbanization process was conducted according to this path, but this is the first time explicitly put forward. Now China's urbanization rate compared to international still lower, preliminary estimation, the urbanization rate increased by 1% a year, to about 70% of the 2030 people live in the city. It is hard to have a clear timetable. Peasant workers' citizenization two big problems For large cities such as Beijing, the pace of urbanization must go slower. Chen said, urbanization of rural migrant workers, mainly have two aspects. One is whether can afford the cost of citizenship, citizenship request equal public services, it is related to social security, education, health care, housing and so on various aspects of demand, the need to calculate the total cost of local government. After the scholar said, a cost of 200000 after the citizenization of migrant workers, Chen said, great differences of regional economic development, is also unable to give a scientific Numbers. Secondly, to consider can keep up with the city management, city urbanization after let go, how to innovate the social management is also a problem. Beijing, Shanghai and other places once let go of the household registration, the influx of large Numbers of people will bring economic and social development of the city is very big impact. So with the ability to adapt to economic and social development. The current on the basis of the existing supply ability, many cities have gradually to solve the problem of urbanization of rural migrant workers. But hope this megacities Beijing hukou, it is a long time. Chen said that the urbanization step. Now everybody without considering quality, one-sided pursuit of speed is inappropriate. Currently existing in the urbanization, 17% are belong to the false urbanization, urbanization rate there is high. As a result, the existing problem is how to keep the part one really into citizens, and there is a big difficulty. Megacities in the outer suburbs to change household register for a lot of extra large, large and medium-sized cities, the household registration management system reform is difficult in where? The national development and reform commission, director of the center for reform and development of cities and small towns after li3 tie3, said in an interview in megacities, local agricultural population to non-agricultural population of interest is not very strong. Li3 tie3, according to the big cities of the household registration management system reform, first of all, can consider to have long to settle down in big cities, floating population stable employment, family migration. Their total percentage is not high, solve their homes, will not bring too much financial burden. In the operating process, some megacities can in the surrounding of a town and the suburb areas, take the lead in reforming the household registration management system, such as in the urban area can consider the long-term family migration of floating population to settle to the suburb areas and small towns. The Beijing news reporter Jiang Yanxin inventory first mention of urbanization "tenth five-year plan" period, according to the "urbanization" adopted by the first official confirmation is in 13 years ago. On October 11, 2000, in the communist party of China of the 15th central committee of the fifth plenary session through "about making national economy and social development of the 10th five year plan suggestion", formally adopted the word "urbanization". This advice in more than 500 words "actively and steadily promote urbanization". In the then prime minister of the state council of zhu rongji to specification requirements, the proposal of "China's urbanization can not copy other countries' pattern, must proceed from their own national conditions, walk the road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics". In August 2001, a dedicated to "15" the key point of the development of the urbanization special planning foreign published in full. Five major policy measures have been drawn up for the urbanization, including the reform of the household registration management system, according to local needs and comprehensive ability, to have legal domicile, stable occupation or source of income for basic settle conditions, adjustment of urban registered permanent residence migration policy. Since then, for urbanization, in the party's 16th to the 18th are mentioned in the report. In 2007 the party's 17th offered to "walk the road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics, in accordance with the overall urban and rural, rational layout, land saving, perfect functions, with the principle of" big with small, promote the coordinated development of big and medium cities and small towns and, based on super city, form the radiation effect of urban agglomeration, cultivate new economic growth pole ". At this point, "big cities" and "urban agglomeration" has become the mainstream. Eighteen is calling for the industrialization and informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization benign interaction and synchronized development. To December 15-16, 2012, the central economic work conference, "actively yet prudently proceed with urbanization, strive to improve the quality of urbanization".

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